At TwoCanyons, we bring over 25 years of business experience in agency services in the areas of marketing, business strategy, advertising, website, social media, and PR.  Our specialty is the small or start-up organization poised for growth.


Thinking of starting a new business? Whether you have some experience or don’t even know where to start, we can assist you through every step of planning, forecasting, implementing, and running you new venture.


Running a business is hard. Understanding the strategies needed to operate efficiently and profitably come with experience. Let us coach you on how to move forward and grow your business.  


TwoCanyons offers digital services like social media advertising and engagement, web design and optimization(SEO), paid digital ads, email marketing, affiliates, influencers and traditional.  


The preferred communication method for the 21st century by a vast number of consumers.  Low-cost and highly targeted, this medium can spread the word about your business more efficiently than almost any other medium.  



Take the leap. Start your own business. Take control.

Ready to dive into business ownership? I’ve started and run nearly a dozen different businesses ranging from one-person small businesses, to a multi-million dollar revenue medium-size business. Whether you need only some very specific help on a few items, or you need help with every step of the process, we can guide you from experience.

Let’s talk about your needs, every person starting a business is different,
with their own personal experiences and skillsets.



If You Build it, They will Come

There is a classic quote from a movie called Field of Dreams.  It says "If you build it, he will come." Unfortunately, in business this is not the case.  Simply offering a product or service is not enough.  We need to shout it from the rooftops.

Designing a Marketing Strategy is Essential

We will work with you to define your target market, develop customer profiles, establish key benefits, analyze competition, and then determine the best strategy to build revenue.  Grounded in analytics, we measure everything we do to evaluate progress toward established goals.  Everything from traditional marketing like print, radio, billboards, and direct mail to digital marketing like PPC on Google and Facebook, e-mail, social media engagement, website promotions, retargeting and linking strategies.




Any good business needs a sound strategy - a roadmap that plans how to efficiently reach your vision.

Two Canyons Consulting has nearly 25 years of business experience in a variety of industries.  We know that you need to run your business.  You need to focus on your product or service and deliver it with excellence. TCC can help you develop a strategic plan and then execute on it with precision.  We can coach you on social marketing, how to setup accounting and payroll, creating an HR plan for employees, decide if its best to hire W2 employees or contractors, write a business plan, develop financial projections and budgets, track cash flow and project weeks and months ahead, and more.




Informal information from trusted sources.

Like it, love it, hate it or ignore it, social media is here to stay.  And it just might be your new best friend when it comes to promoting your business.  Low-cost and highly targeted, this medium can spread the word about your business more efficiently than almost any other medium.  Consumers today are smart, and they can be skeptical of advertising.  But building momentum through social channels, if done correctly, can win the loyalty and confidence of many of these smart buyers today.  Let us guide you through the ropes...